Frequently Asked Questions
1. How do I know if I am an eligible teacher?
You have a Pre-K-aged classroom (priority given to classrooms with 10 or more Pre-K-aged children).
You are a Lead Teacher, or an Assistant Teacher in a classroom where the Lead Teacher is also applying
for the same group of the study. -
You have your Administrator’s approval to participate.
You work at a child care center or school building.
2. What if I work at a Family Child Care Center?
Family Child Care Providers are very important to Preschool Promise and the families we serve. While we
cannot include Family Child Care providers in this research project because of class size and site variables,
we will offer other ways to support Family Child Care leaders in taking next steps with Conscious Discipline.
Contact if you are interested.
3. What if my students aren’t 3 and 4-year-olds?
This study is designed to evaluate preschoolers in the 3 and 4-year old age range only, meaning teachers
in infant, toddler, and school-aged classrooms are not eligible. We welcome these teachers to apply to
other Preschool Promise programs!
4. What if I change classrooms or schools?
If your role, site, or classroom changes, Preschool Promise will evaluate those changes on a case-by-case
basis to ensure every effort is made for a teacher to remain eligible to participate. Teachers should notify
Preschool Promise as soon as they know a change is occurring.
5. Does Preschool Promise help fund class coverage for the CD Summer Academy in June?
Yes, administrators can use the Quality Dollars (QD) given by Preschool Promise to help cover the
additional support needed in your classroom while you’re at the Summer Academy. If your site does not
receive QD and you need coverage assistance, contact
6. Can I participate in other Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) at the same time?
Participants in Group A of this research study are not eligible to participate in additional PLCs during the
research period (Spring 2025 - Fall 2027) in order for research findings to remain unimpacted by other PD
influences. Participants in Group B may be a part of additional PLCs.
7. If I already attended eDECA training for the eDECA Pilot, do I still have to attend again?
If a participant completed an eDECA training with Preschool Promise for the previous eDECA Pilot, they will
not be required to attend a second training for the study, however are invited to attend if they would like a
8. If I have a self-contained classrooms of all special needs preschoolers, can I apply?
Yes! While the evaluation methods may be adjusted for these classroom types, we still invite teachers to
apply to be a part of the study.
9. What if I’m in Group A and I can’t attend the CD Summer Academy June 2nd - June 6th?
No problem! Please notify if you are unable to attend that
session date and we will work with you on other options so that you are still able to participate in the study.
10. Will Group B be given Conscious Discipline Professional Development after the study is complete?
Participants in Group B will be prioritized for acceptance into CD PD after the study is completed.